He did not know what was more nerve racking, the
fact that there had been no major cases that Five-O needed to handle in the past few days or the waiting for one to drop into
their laps. A knock at the door drew his attention from the report Steve was
currently scanning before signing off on it.
Danny lend inside the doorframe. “Got a minute Steve?” Steve
put the report down while looking forward to something more interesting than police notes and paperwork. “Sure Danno. What’s up?” “I just got the strangest call from one of the desk clerks down at the main reception area for the
palace,” replied Danno. Steve’s interest was now peeked. “Go on.”
“Well, there’s a package that’s been delivered to the both of us and the clerk didn’t know
which one of us to send it two. I asked to have it brought up here.” A confused look played across Steve’s face.
“We’d have packages addressed to us both before Danno; why would this package stand out?”
Danny walked further into the room and took a perch on the corner of McGarrett’s desk. Danny was the only person to take this much liberty with Steve’s desk yet Steve didn’t mind. “It seems it was the way it was addressed that caused some concern at the reception
desk. I’m not quite sure I believe what the receptionist said so I’ll
wait to see for myself but it has something to do with our names.” Danny
smirked as he finished. “So our names have thrown them into a tizzy,”
gestured Steve with a pen in his hand and then went back to making a few more notes on some papers.
Steve looked up as they heard May address someone
in the outer office. A moment later she approached his office. “Steve, you and Danny have a package.” May had
a hesitant look fixed on the label as she handed it over to Steve. Danny strained his neck a little trying to read the print
on the package as it was still in May’s hand. “Does it say what I
think they told me it said?” Danny asked as May handed it off into Steve’s waiting hands..
Steve read the label out loud. “To Mr. Steven McGarrett and his son, Danny Williams
McGarrett. I’d say you probably heard them right.” To read the words was a like splash of cold water in the morning.
It brought to mind the close relationship he had developed with his second-in-command.
Danny had become a dear friend in the recent seasons
of rigorous cases which took a toll on any emotional contacts. Steve was personally
grooming Danny to fill his own shoes. It seems someone else had noticed and was
attaching a more personal connection to it.
“Do you think it’s a joke from the boys down at HPD?” Danny
moved to the side of McGarrett to look at the package in the same angle.
know Danno. Could be or maybe someone’s trying to make a point.”
Steve turned the package over and looked for a return address but found it lacking.
point would be calling you my big brother, but father? You don’t look old
enough.” Danny added.
“Thanks, I think, but I don’t believe
whoever sent this has done the math Danno.” replied Steve as he began to open the clasp that held the opening in place.
he opened it, he emptied the contents upon his desk. There were several documents
but one had a note gym-clipped to it that read ‘me first’.
“Looks like I get to read this one first.” Steve removed the clip and began to scan the paper.
busied himself with examining the rest of the contents. He noticed most of it
was legal forms and with closer inspection noticed it was an odd assortment. There
were adoption forms, name changing forms, and others types that merely confused Danno.
“Steve, what’s up with all this stuff. Why the adoption…” But Danny didn’t finish because as he glanced up he saw the clinched jaw set
in Steve’s face. Danny noticed how tightly Steve held the paper and knew
whatever was on that paper was maddening to the head of Five-O. “Steve? What’s wrong?”
Steve looked over the top of the paper at Danno and within a moment found his center again and regained his composure. “It seems we have another lunatic to deal with.
This one is threatening to do some nasty things if I, no make that if ‘we’ don’t follow his instructions.”
he want from us?” Danny inquired.
seems he wants me to adopt you for the time being. He wants me in the legal role
of being a father.”
was speechless for a moment. “Adopted?’ Danny couldn’t contain the laugh that escaped next. “O.K.
you’ve done it this time Steve. I know that I have pulled some crazy jokes
in the past but you have pulled off the ultimate prank.”
stopped as he noticed the serious expression stay on Steve’s face. “Not
a prank?” Danny inquired again as the implications started to sink in.
Steve continued to scan the items before going
back to the note and spoke in a rather dry voice. “No. There’s even a timetable mentioned for in which we have so many weeks to make the changes before
something happens that quote ‘will bring about suffering to my heart.’
Steve balled his fist. “The threat is to us both but more so for you Danno. I
want to go over everything. No one messes with our Ohauna. No one!”
The office remained in constant activity for the
rest of the afternoon as Steve and Danny sorted through the papers and list of activities that this insane person had requested
of them while continuing to deal the rest of the day’s problems that were uniquely Five-O.
how do we know for sure to take this seriously?” Danno replied as he leaned back into the couch directly across Steve’s
desk. “I am not giving up my apartment. Does this nut know how long it
took me to find that place and for that price? Where does he expect me live anyway?” Danny scanned the notes again looking anything that might hint to the answers to his
sighed as he too leaned back in his chair. “I believe I have the answer to one of your questions.”
stopped scanning the text and looked hopeful at Steve. He quickly frowned. “Are you going to tell or is that a secret.” Steve decided to have a little fun with Danny. “Danny,
how do you like roommates?” Danny’s bottom jaw dropped in expectation
of making a reply however he took a few moments to let his temperature return to normal before he replied. “I haven’t
had one since college and even then it was…” Danny paused as he mentally
chose the correct words. “…Let’s say it lacked the three P’s
for me.” Steve perked up at this tidbit of information. “Three P’s? What were they?” Steve inquired
with a sly gin and happy for another dose of Danny’s colorful college past. “That
would be privacy, peace and quiet, and Penelope.” Steve leaned forward
and with elbows on his desk inquired further. “Penelope? Who’s she?” A sweet glaze of memory came over
Danny’s mind as he recalled her. “She was a dream Steve. She had long raven like hair, sultry voice, curves that could rival any lava lamp in motion.” Steve noticed the gleam of ecstasy that sparkled in Danny’s eyes. “What happened?” Steve knew there was a story
behind this one. When one exhausted breathe Danny began. “We were doing fine until I decided to introduce her to my roommate.
It was like watching lava meet the ocean.” Steve winced. “That
bad.” Danny nodded. “Yeah,
I stood back and waited for the mist to clear. Penelope’s family was into
Architectural Design and Construction of Commercial Property with high end clients and my roommate was involved with urban
restoration and the plight of the urban community. He accused her family’s
business and all others like it of pushing out the lower income for big business and ‘the man’. She wouldn’t back down and neither would he. I spend
the night listening to them debate everything from economics to social reform. After
that night each thought I was taking the other’s side and in the end I lost both of them as friends. Anyway that was
the last time I had a roommate. I decided after that to live solo. So now answer my question Steve. ” “I like the
have the lights out by 10:00 P.M. and try not to tie up the phone lines for too long on the weekend.” Steve tried to keep a straight face as he said this while watching Danny’s shocked expression unfold. “You’re kidding!” “Oh
no, definitely by 10:00.” Steve reiterated but knowing what Danny was really
referring to. “I don’t mean that Steve. I mean … he wants me to live with you?” Danny
asked with perplexity. Steve grinned. “Yes,
it seems he doesn’t want it any other way.” Danny sat back on the
couch in utter astonishment. “How can we sure about any of this Steve? How do we take this for real? How do
we know if this is something that we should take as on the level?”
Steve ran a hand through his hair and stared from the documents back over to Danny.
“We don’t know Danno. That’s what makes this a delicate situation. We have
till the end of the week to file the first round of papers before we are to make changes in your schedule of afternoon activities.”
sat straight up at that comment and delved into the other issues at hand. “I don’t get why this person insists
that I return to taking college classes and in medicine of all fields too. I
mean, come on Steve, do I really have to pull a full load of classes for this nut and maintain an A average all while I still
work at Five-O?”
by this time was holding his head up with his left hand while reading more of the scripted activities that indicated what
they were to do within the next week before more instructions arrived. “No, you don’t,” replied Steve
Wait a minute…” Danny leaned forward from the couch with a confused look upon his face. He folded the college field of study pamphlet and placed it in one hand while using the other to help adjust
his position on the couch. “I thought this nut wanted me in med-school?”
nodded an affirmative. Danny scrunched his face in bewilderment. “I don’t have to pull off an A average after all?”
settled back into his chair. “Yes, you still have to maintain an A average.”
Now Danno was confused. “But you just said…” Then it dawned on Danno what was left. “No, No way! You can’t be seriously. This nut has landed way to far
from the coconut tree.”
Steve let a small laugh escape at Danny’s
use of metaphoric language. “It’s all right here in this small little paragraph that dictates you can’t
be working at the office.” Steve waved the paper in his right hand. Danny jumped up and crossed the room in a few short steps then taking the paper from
Steve in order to see for himself. “So not only do I have to give up my
apartment but I have to give up my job too. This is going to far Steve.”
Dan sat on the corner of Steve’s desk as
he finished the paragraph and gave further contemplation to the demands being made by this nutcase. “Steve, there is a lot of anger behind all this and even though this person wants me to jump through
hoops, his anger is orchestrating something really awful for you.” Danny’s arm swept over the contents of package
that was scattered on Steve’s desk.
know Danny.” Steve stated as he got up and walked over to his lanai doors. Then
he turned back to his desk within a few strides. “ That’s why we’re going to be careful, very careful indeed.” They decided to wait out the week and see what would happen next. Chin and Kono kept an eye out for Danny when he had to go out of the office. Each had expressed a desire to pull extra guard duty if needed, however Steve decided that it wasn’t
needed at the time, not for him anyway. He had extra units from HPD increase
the patrols around Danny’s apartment building, and he kept Danny at the palace mostly for the remainder of the week.
Monday morning of the new week came and went with
nothing overtly disturbing for the Five-O crew. Danny was about finished with
a report when he noticed that lunch had crept up on them again.
that time a delivery boy came in the room with a box food. “Lunch is here,”
May announced and went about handing out the sandwiches that had been labeled with each Detective’s name on the little
while bags.
day continued onward with the hustle and bustle of the office. By 2:00 P.M. however,
Danny started to feel ill. His arms tingled and his palms itched. A sharp pain attacked his side and he leaned forward. Kono
was walking by and noticed Danny. “Hey brudda, you don’t look to
good. You getting sick or something?”
The big Hawaiian stayed in the doorway watching Danny. Danny rode out
the wave of pain and raised his head back up.
Danny replied. He was light-headed and swayed in his seat. Kono reacted quickly and hurried forward dropping to one knee. He
grabbed Danny and kept him steady. Chin noticed something was up and came over
in time to see Kono keeping Danny upright just before Danny doubled over again while grabbing his mid-section.
Steve was just coming out of his office when he
looked over at Danny’s little office. “Danny’s sick boss,”
replied Chin Ho Kelly. Steve hurried over to the little office and Kono backed
away as a concerned Steve slid into his place at Danny’s side. “Danno? What’s wrong?”
Danny was slowly rocking in his chair. Steve noticed that he was also scratching the palms of the hands.
When Danny turned towards him, he saw that Danny had paled considerably. ‘I
don’t know Steve. I guess I caught something that’s going around. That’s all.” Kono quickly
piped in, “Danny haven’t you learned we’re supposed to catch the bad guys, not the bad bugs.” Everyone grinned but Danny’s quickly left his face as he grabbed his stomach
tighter. “Steve, a special delivery just arrived for you.” May was heard calling from the background. “I’ll
be right there. You go on into my office Danny and lay on the couch until you
feel better. If you’re not feeling better in say half an hour you can go
home.” “But I still have to file my report,” Danny spoke with
tired eyes. “Don’t worry Danno, Chin or Kono can do that for you.” “Yeah brudda, I’ve been wanting to get another look at the new file clerk
anyway,” Kono chided. They all grinned and while Chin and Kono eased Danny
into Steve’s office he opened the special delivery letter and began reading.
No sooner had he read the first paragraph than Steve was shouting orders. “May
call an ambulance now! Tell them someone’s been poisoned!” Steve
dashed into his office and brushed past Chin and Kono who were about to exit his office.
Steve quickly kneeled down beside the couch to Danno and took his face into his own hands. “Danno, what did you eat?” Danno was becoming
less lucid. “A…sandwich.”
Chin Ho and Kono knew immediately that something bad was happening. “Bag
whatever’s left from his lunch. Get the sack out of his garbage pail. It’s evidence.” Kono ran
to carry out the orders. “They’re on their way Steve!” May
shouted through the door. Chin kneeled down next to Steve. “What’s going on Steve?” The concern was
laced on every word uttered by the elder Chinese detective who looked upon Danny as an adoptive son to his own family. “That special delivery letter. It
was our nut from last week asking me how Danny liked his poisoned sandwich, and how long would I wait now to carryout his
Chapter 2
Steve paced around the waiting room as Chin Ho
and Kono looked on miserabley. The ride over to the hospital was soul wrenching for Steve. 'How could I have been
so blind! I should have known this madman was for real. Who else would demand such ridiculous things from us.'
Steve continue to self tirade as they waited for the doctors to come out. It had taken both Chin and Kono's reasoning
with Steve to get him to give the hospital staff room to work on Danny. A sudden burst from the double doors ended Steve's
self debate and had everyone in the room at immediate attention.
"Well Doc, how is he?" Steve asked with trepidation.
The doctor folded his hands over the clipboard as he pulled it to his chest. With a slight pause, the doctor began.
"You were right. It was a poisoning. One that mimiced a sever food toxin and affected the nervous system. We're
treating him right now for the toxin in his blood and the systematic problems it has caused him." The doctor put one
hand out to stop Steve before he interupted with what he knew would be a request to see his second-in-command. "He's asleep
right now, and needs peace and quiet so his body can recover quickly." This seems to ease Steve for a moment until after
the docter's next statement. "It was fortunate that we were notified there might be some cases of this type of toxin
occuring in our area and therefore had the medicines here for this particular strain." Alarm bells rang away in Steve's
head that has turned up and slightly tilted at this statement. "Who notified you that this toxin might possibly
be in the area?" Steve already had an idea but wanted or more like was looking for it to be nonconfirmed. "We
got a call from the State Health Department that some cases had show up on some of the other islands and to be looking for
it to show up here soon." Steve nodded over to Kono. "Call the State Health Department and get confirmation that they
were the one's who put that call in." "On it boss!", and Kono was out the door. With resignation that he will have to
wait to be sure if his and Danno madman was the caller, Steve delved into his next plan. "When can Danno be released?"
"Now Steve! Wait just one minute. That boy has had a very tramatic event with a toxin that very nearly shut down
his central nervous system. I won't know for sure how he's going to react to the antineurotoxin until 24 to 48 hours
has elapsed. There is no way you are taking him out of this hospital before then. No way!" The Doctor seemed to have
grown two feet taller in defense of his patient. Steve, taking in all the doctor had said changed strategies as easily
as changing a TV dail. "I'll arrange to have two guards around the clock. No one in or out without my express
approval with the exception of your medical staff that you have fully known for several years. I'm not taking any chances."
The doctor nodded and made the move to leave but Steve stopped him. "Take me to him now." The Doctor's face pinched
up again and was about to go into another tirade when Steve continued to speak. "I know what you said but it's that I
need to see him. I need to make sure." Steve couldn't really same any more without that hardened exterior cracking.
The doctor relented with one dip of his head and motioned for Steve to follow him down the corridor. Steve eased into
the room with the silence of a cat and approached the bed where Danny lay. Danny was hooked up to several tubes
and machines. An oxygen mask was securely placed over his face and fogged every few seconds indicating Danny was still
breathing. Steve exhaled with a sigh of relief that that his best friend was still alive. However, that was quickly
followed with anger. Anger at how easily Danny could have been taken from him. Anger at himself for not forseeing
the length that this madman would go to so his crazy schemes were fulfilled. Steve was still fuming when Chin Ho carefully
entered the room. Chin glanced sympathicly at Danny before called for Steve's attention. "Steve?
Can I see you in the hall?" Steve nodded, and he headed for the door but not before taking one more glance that Danny
sleeping in the bed.
"What have you
got for me Chin?" Steve asked. "I did some checking and you were right. The delivery boy said that someone paid
him a hundred dollars to switch Danny's sandwich with that other one. He's down at HPD now going over the mug books
trying to see if the guy is in the system." Before Steve could ask his next question Chin continued. "...but I
wouldn't get our hopes up. The boy said that the man wore a big haole hat, sunglass, blindingly bright tourist outfit
and a full beard." Steve ran his right hand through his hair. "Sounds like a disquise to me." Chin nodded
in agreement. "Get a sketch artist down there as well and don't let that kid leave until I've had a chance to talk to
him." Chin was about to mention that his 'talks' often were anything but that, but he decided to refrain.
The next few days for
much of the same. Steve made multiple trips to Queens Hospital to visit Danny, who by now was begging Steve to spring
him. Steve entered the room after conferring with the officer outside it and noticed that Danny was sitting up
and flipping through the pages of some magazine. No doubt it was left by some members of HPD. "Feeling better?"
Steve inquired with a smile. He already knew Danny too well to expect this to be a calm and pleasent chat.
"Oh Steve!" The whine in Danny's voice affirmed to Steve that Danny was truely feeling better. "When can I get out of
here. I'm not throwing up, the pain is gone, I can walk a straight line, pass any and all hand-eye-coordination tests,
and I can hold my food down." Danny rattled off the list of accomplishments in quick succession then began his stare
down at Steve. Steve knew what he was doing. "You did all that in just a few days? I'm impressed!" Danny's
shoulders dropped. "Aw Steve. Come on! I have to get out of here. There's only some much TV I can
take, and the scenery never changes." Steve decided to brighten his day. "Doc's letting you go this afternoon..."
Before Danny could joyiously respond, Steve went on. "on one condition." Danny frowned and fell back onto the
uprised portion of his bed. "What's the condition?" Steve walked even closer to the bed. "That you be supervised
for a while to make sure the neurotoxin has completely left your system and no side effects pronounce themselves." Danny
raised an eyebrow with his reply. "I guess this means I'll be getting a roommate for a little while." Steve tapped the
rail on the bed and looked down. Danny had a suspicion that something else was bothering Steve. "What's wrong?
What else is the matter that you're not telling me?" Steve began to relate to Danny the events from his sudden collapse
due to the poisoned sandwich to today's events. "Whoa. I can't hardly believe that madman were really serious
about all this. I have almost forgot about it." Steve looked at the envelop he was carrying and Danny's eyes followed
Steve's to it also. "What's that? My discharge papers I hope." Danny tried to lighten the mood but Steve's
grin to his remark only lasted a few seconds before it disappeared beneath that stern exterior that all Hawaii had come to
expect from the head of Five-O. "No, it's a reminder notice from our madman informing me that we had better stick to
the schedule unless we want more dire circumstances to occur."
Chapter 3
That afternoon did see Danny discharged into Steve's
custody. The two drove over the Danny's apartment to pick up some needed articles of clothing and other necessities
for an extended stay. Back at Steve's the duo occupied the living room in the most causal of fashion. Danny was
reclining sideways on the couch with several pillows for support. He remembered to remove his shoes so as to not
dirty up the furniture. Steve was sitting across from him in a leather upholstery chair ingrossed in the documents held
in his hand. Steve glanced over the edge of the papers he had at Danny. He noticed the droop of Danny's eyes as
the young man tried to comprehend the forms he was suppose to have ready by Friday. The pencil in Danny's hand
was slowing slipping out of his hand. Steve set aside his documents. The motion did not go unnoticed. "I'm
awake," came a spurting response. Steve nodded, "Sure you are. You know I promised the doc I would take care of
you. However, I believe I'm being neglectful. You really should get some rest. You can go over the forms
in the morning. As Steve began to rise the doubtful uncertainty of Danny's voice paused him mid rise. "Steve...we're
really going to do this?" Steve went over to the couch and with his hands on his hips gave a truthful and mood lighten
answer. "Yes we are. We don't know enough about this play other than to play by his rules until then. Now
how about helping your future old man get you settled into bed for the night." "Sure Steve uh I mean 'Dad'. You
do want to be called Dad right or I could just use Pop." Danny continued to think up names to call Steve as they headed
down the hallway to the spare bedroom that was now Danny's home away from home. "I believe the current and most
popular term might be Daddy-O. What do think Daddy-O?" Danny was trying to hold in the laughter. Steve was
a step behind yet a still a step ahead. "O I don't know. It just might trigger such phrases as "Now junior, you
know better, or Listen up baby boy, or Take out the trash small fry. You do know the list for childish pet names created
by parents runs a lot deeper than the one with parental nicknames." Danny's laughing had ending in mid laugh as Steve
was talking. "You wouldn't do that..." Upon looking at Steve's smirking face with the 'try me and see' expression
Danny changed his mind. "You would do did." Steve went and pulled the covers back on the bed. "See already you're
seeing things my way. It won't be too much of an adjustment." Danny crawled into bed and made himself comfortable.
"Thanks Steve I mean ...dad," whispered Danny as he began to drift off. Steve, who had made it back to the door, had
just turned out the light and was pulling the door closed as he heard the whispered words. Steve paused for a moment
in a quiet interspective staring into the darkness knowing that his best friend was placing his life into Steve's hand.
He closed the door and went back to the living room. Steve was more determined than ever to keep his best friend, soon
to be his son if only for this mad man's whim, safe. Picking up a cup of coffee that now simmered, Steve dived into
the sea of forms and paperwork that laid ahead of them. The ringing of the phone drew Steve's attention away from his
work. Reaching over, he picked it up and with a sigh answered. "Hello?" "Hi Steve, it's Kono. How's
Steve relaxed into his chair. "He's doing
fine at the moment. I promised the Doc to keep an eye on him and right now he's sleeping soundly in my spare bedroom.
So, what's up?" Kono began to relate everything he had discovered about the tipster who had the hospitals on alert for
the 'outbreak' and all the reported cases. " ...after that I put I all together on a timeline paired up with the
patients' outcomes. It looks like he was trying to get the dose just right. I even noticed that everyone of the
victims that fell ill with it where in Danny's bodyweight and health range. Steve, he was targeting Danny even before
two months ago and Steve...one of them died." Steve gripped the phone tighter and seethed with anger. The madman
had killed! Killed already before they were even drawn into this twisted nightmare! "Steve? You still there Steve,"
Kono quietly asked. "Yeah Kono. Catalog everything so when we put him away we can add Murder One to
the charge." "Yeah Steve, and let's hope that's the only murder charge we have." Steve held Kono's sentiments.
"Yeah Kono, let's hope. I'll be in the office first thing in the morning. We have a deadline to stick to
and I want you in place at the Records Office by 9:00 AM sharp. If someone ask to check the current status
of any name changes or adoptions that involve us you will notify me immediately and keep a tail on him." "Will do Steve. Tell
Danny to hang in there and we'll go surfing soon." "I sure will. Goodnight Kono." "Night Steve." With
that exchange over, Steve was going to finish filling out the last section of the last form when he noticed a shadow
move in the hallway. "That you Dan-O?" Steve narrowed his focus until the shadow receded and Danny came forth.
"Did I wake up?" Steve inquired with a measure of regret. "No, I was thirsty and headed for the kitchen when the phone
rang." Danny paused before quietly adding, "which one died?" Steve wanted to tread lightly in this area knowing
how Danny took any senseless death to heart. "The second poison victim. The first didn't get near as sick as he
wanted so I guess the toxin strength was significantly increased and he over did it. The subsequent ones that followed
near reached the levels of that second victim. Kono plotted it out and confirmed our madman was working out the dosage."
Danny just knodded his head. "Hey, you head back to bed. I'll get that water." Danny immediately started
to wave him off. "No now Steve you shouldn't have to wait on my hand and foot. I'm doing pretty good. You
finish that paper work up cause if I have to complete it there's no tellilng when it will get done." Steve smirked and
settled back down. "It's all done except for this last page and your signmature on several pages." Danny came
back out from the kitchen and lended against the doorframe frowning which alerted Steve. "What's wrong DanO?"
"It's just...have you told the governor about having to...'adopt me'?" Danny asked hesitently of Steve. "Believe
or not I'm scheduled to see him in the morning at 10:30. He wanted to know what it's about, but I told him it would
be easier to do in person." Danny's eyebrows shotup at that remark. "I so do not envy you tomorrow. Night
Steve...um I mean Dad. Got to get used to saying that I guess." "Night...." and as Danny disappeared down the
hallway, "...son," followed it softly behind.