Writings and Stuff

About Me

Hi class!  It's time to get ready for the CRCT! Yes, even now. You need to be preparing now so that is will not be so hard to study in April.  So I'm just putting together 'writing & stuff' to help you.  Most of you know me.  I love writing and reading, what else is there to say!   Plus, I want each and everyone of you to achieve.

Remember we need to work hard in class to stay on task, turn in our assignments on time and completed!  I don't like to chase you around trying to drag work out of you.  I will take make-up work, however don't wait till the day it's due to start working on a project and expect "A" work.  You need to put your best effort into it.  I DON"T GIVE GRADES. YOU EARN THEM.

Remember I've been in your shoes, walked your path, and did those same tasks, and yes I survived and so can you. (hehehe)

Together we can hang in there and achieve on the CRCT!

It can be done!

Time and effort are on your side, & I am here to help you any way I can.  Just ask.


Here's a list of some of my favorite movies:

Titanic, Star Wars (I,II, III, IV, V, VI), Jaws, The Sound of Music, King Kong, Godzilla, Star Trek (the one w/ the whales), and many more.
Here's a list of some of my favorite T.V. shows past & present:
The Dukes of Hazzard, The A-Team, Roswell,
NCIS, CSI, BRIT coms on PBS, Criminal Minds, Sci-fy Channel shows

Here's a list of some of my favorite music:

New Age
Movie Sound tracks

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